Loss of "Browsing" Internet, but other programs run perfectly fine.
http://i43.tinypic.com/2w3562r.png Above is a link to a screenshot showing Firefox and IE8 having the same problem - not being able to load webpages. Funnily enough, this actually happened as I tried to come here and ask if anyone has any kind of solution. I have had this problem on this computer for the past 5 or so months - Whether I've had Windows XP, Vista or W7 as the OS of choice. As you can probably see on the screenshot, I am on MSN and Steam. Both of these are connected to the internet and working perfectly fine. I have MSN conversations open and should I want to I could go on the Steam friends list and join a game of whatever online game a friend is playing. At first I thought this might be an OS install problem, so I had tried reinstall after reinstall - changing OS's between XP and Vista. Now that I have W7 RC1 and I'm STILL getting this problem I think it's time to try a different idea here. So I purchased a new USB Internet Wireless adapter. This, unfortunately, has not fixed the problem and to be honest it's starting to get a tad frustrating. The only fix I have found is to reboot the machine - and this isn't a Start --> Restart --> Get a drink and wait for the computer to start up. This does not fix it, oddly enough. I have to go to Start --> Shut down --> Turn on the computer back on --> Wait for it to boot up. I have Google searched for solutions - got results from various message boards and other such sites and those fixes for similar sounding problems have not helped. So I'm now all out of ideas. Does anyone have a solution to how to fix this, please?
May 9th, 2009 2:55pm

Extra steps I have taken: -- Try a different USB dongle -- Try a PCI Card for wireless internet -- Try different USB slots -- Format and reinstall Problem is still unfixed. Any help, please?...
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May 10th, 2009 1:42pm

Have you had any luck getting this fixed? - Nick
June 3rd, 2009 6:29am

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